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Set up PlayStation Network as an identity provider

Last updated on September 19, 2023


This guide helps PlayStation developers connect PlayStation Network (PSN) accounts to AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS). You may need to set up additional features within PlayStation services that we haven't listed here, depending on your game. For more information about setting up PlayStation services, we recommend contacting your PlayStation representative and reviewing the PlayStation documentation.


To enable the PSN authentication method for your game with the AGS Game SDK and your publisher website with the AGS Player Portal.


Web login integration

  1. In order to create a Playstation product, you must have a Partnership with Playstation. For more details about registering a Playstation Partnership, please refer to the PlayStation Partners page.
  2. You may need to create/invite your teammates to your organization. To do so, please read the Creating New Users in PlayStation Partners guide.
  3. You may need to create/invite your teammates to your content pipeline. To do so, please read Managing Users and Roles in Content Pipeline guide.
  4. An app server/wWebsite product on Playstation 4 DevNet / Playstation 5 DevNet
  5. An AGS Admin Portal Account to set up authentication and manage permissions.
  6. If you haven't done so already, set up a publisher namespace for your Player Portal and Launcher.
  7. You have a Player Portal.

In-game login integration

  1. In order to create a Playstation product, you must have a Partnership with Playstation. For more details about registering a Playstation Partnership, please refer to the PlayStation Partners page.
  2. You may need to create/invite your teammates to your organization. To do so, please read the Creating New Users in PlayStation Partners guide.
  3. You may need to create/invite your teammates to your content pipeline. To do so, please read Managing Users and Roles in Content Pipeline guide.
  4. If you are using Unreal Engine, you need to activate the OnlineSubsystem Oculus plugin.
  5. If you are using Unity, you need:
    • A (Unity Engine Pro License).
    • The Unity PlayStation Add-On. Choose the proper version with your Unity Engine.
    • The PlayStation SDK (installed via the SDK Manager). The SDK Manager is used for online and offline installing and configuration of the SDK and Development environment onto your Windows PC.
      • For PS 4 use this link to get the SDK Manager.
      • For PS 5 use this link to get the SDK Manager.
    • The PlayStation Unity Plugin.
  6. An AGS Admin Portal account to set up authentication and manage permissions.
  7. A game namespace.
  8. A Unity or Unreal game project with an imported AccelByte Game SDK.
  9. The latest version of the AGS Unity SDK or Unreal SDK.
  10. Familiarity with AGS IAM Clients.

Set up PlayStation DevNet

AGS is able to handle PSN web login for PSN 4 or PSN 5. If your PSN product only builds for PS4, please follow PSN 4 Web Login Integration. If your PSN product only builds for PS5, please follow PSN 5 Web Login Integration. If your PSN product builds for both PS4 and PS5, you can use one of them to be used as a third-party login method configuration in the AGS Admin Portal.


Web login integration (PS4)

There are two things that need to be prepared to enable web login using a PSN 4 account:

  • An app server/website product on PlayStation 4 DevNet.
  • A PSN web login method on the AGS Admin Portal.

Please follow instructions below to set up a PSN 4 web login flow. For more information about setting up Playstation Network Services (e.g., titles, products, and service requests), please refer to the PSN Service Setup Guide.

Create a Playstation 4 DevNet - App Server/Website (web)

This will be used for our Identity and Access Management (IAM) to do service-to-service (S2S) calls to the PSN 4 server. This will enable users to log in to an IAM using a PSN account following the web flow. Follow the Creating a New Product guide. Use the App Server/Website product type and fill in these Redirect URIs into the Client ID configuration:

  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/platforms/ps4web/authenticate/
  • https://<Base-URL>/
  • https://<Base-URL>/player/account/linked-accounts
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/platforms/psnweb/authenticate/
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/public/namespaces/accelbyte/users/me/platforms/ps4web/web/link/establish
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/public/namespaces/accelbyte/users/me/platforms/psnweb/web/link/establish
  • https://<Base-URL>/account/linked-accounts

Base-URL is your domain address. Example:

In-game login integration (PS4)

There are several things that need to be prepared to enable in-game login using a PSN 4 account.

Content pipeline configuration (PS4)

Create a game concept in the content pipeline. Follow the Creating a Game Concept in Content Pipeline guide. After your concept gets accepted, create the product inside the concept. For more details, read the Concepts, Product Groups, and Products in Content Pipeline documentation.

Create a PlayStation 4 DevNet - App Server/Website (in-game)

This will be used for our Identity and Access Management (IAM) to do service-to-service (S2S) calls to the PSN 4 server. This will enable users to log in to an IAM using a PSN account following the web flow. Follow the Creating a New Product guide. Use the App Server/Website product type and fill in these Redirect URIs into the Client ID configuration:

  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/platforms/ps4web/authenticate/
  • https://<Base-URL>/
  • https://<Base-URL>/player/account/linked-accounts
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/platforms/psnweb/authenticate/
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/public/namespaces/accelbyte/users/me/platforms/ps4web/web/link/establish
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/public/namespaces/accelbyte/users/me/platforms/psnweb/web/link/establish
  • https://<Base-URL>/account/linked-accounts

Base-URL is your domain address. Example:

Product setup - App (PS4)

This product will be used to fill in the game configurations needed to be able to get auth code from in game using the PlayStation SDK. Follow the Creating a New Product guide and use App as the product type. For more information about setting up PlayStation Network services (e.g., titles, products, and service requests), please refer to PSN Service Setup Guide.


Web login integration (PS5)

There are two things that need to be prepared to enable web login using a PSN 5 account:

  • An app server product on PlayStation 5 DevNet
  • A PSN web login method on the AGS Admin Portal.

Please follow instructions below to set up a PSN 5 web login flow. For more information about setting up Playstation Network Services (e.g., titles, products, and service requests), please refer to the PSN Service Setup Guide.

Create a PlayStation 5 DevNet - App Server/Website (web)

This will be used for our Identity and Access Management (IAM) to do service-to-service (S2S) calls to the PSN 5 server. This will enable users to log in to an IAM using a PSN account following the web flow. Follow the Creating a New Product guide. Use the App Server/Website product type and fill in these Redirect URIs into the Client ID configuration:

  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/platforms/ps4web/authenticate/
  • https://<Base-URL>/
  • https://<Base-URL>/player/account/linked-accounts
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/platforms/psnweb/authenticate/
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/public/namespaces/accelbyte/users/me/platforms/ps4web/web/link/establish
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/public/namespaces/accelbyte/users/me/platforms/psnweb/web/link/establish
  • https://<Base-URL>/account/linked-accounts

Base-URL is your domain address. Example:

In-game login integration (PS5)

There are several things that need to be prepared to enable in-game login using a PSN 5 account.

Content pipeline configuration (PS5)

Create a game concept in the content pipeline. Follow the Creating a Game Concept in Content Pipeline guide. After your concept gets accepted, create the product inside the concept. For more details, read the Concepts, Product Groups, and Products in Content Pipeline documentation.

Create a PlayStation 5 DevNet - App Server (in-game)

This will be used for our Identity and Access Management (IAM) to do service-to-service (S2S) calls to the PSN 5 server. This will enable users to log in to an IAM using a PSN account following the web flow. Follow the Creating a New Product guide. Use the App Server product type and fill in these Redirect URIs into the Client ID configuration:

  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/platforms/ps4web/authenticate/
  • https://<Base-URL>/
  • https://<Base-URL>/player/account/linked-accounts
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/platforms/psnweb/authenticate/
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/public/namespaces/accelbyte/users/me/platforms/ps4web/web/link/establish
  • https://<Base-URL>/iam/v3/public/namespaces/accelbyte/users/me/platforms/psnweb/web/link/establish
  • https://<Base-URL>/account/linked-accounts

Base-URL is your domain address. Example:

Product setup - App (PS5)

This product will be used to fill in the game configurations needed to be able to get auth code from in game using the PlayStation SDK. Follow the Creating a New Product guide and use App Server as the product type. For more information about setting up PlayStation Network services (e.g., titles, products, and service requests), please refer to PSN Service Setup Guide.

Additional steps

Request IP whitelisting from PlayStation for non-production (other than np) environments (PS4/PS5 DevNet)

In order to test your PSN login during the development or testing (PSN certification) phase, it is necessary to create a support request IP whitelisting for your IAM service and your network (e.g your office/VPN network) that is used by the PSN DevKit static IP’s address to the PSN partner center. You are also able to request other private support to PSN in the same way as this request.


If you are not sure where you can find the static IP address of your IAM service, reach out to AccelByte Support.

  1. Open your PS4/PS5 SIE DevNet and click on Support > Private support.
  2. Post a new issue and choose general support.
  3. Write down your request summary and the static IP Address of your IAM service and your office/VPN to get whitelisted.
  4. Wait until the PSN team answers your request and gets permission to access the testing (sp-int/prod-qa) environment.

Add a test user to the app product (PSN4 and PS5 DevNet)

The process will be the same for both PS4 and PS5 App products. Please keep in mind that the test user's email must already be signed up for PSN.

  1. Go to your app product under PSN DevNet and open your app.
  2. Scroll down and click Title Admin/Title Dev.
  3. Fill the Sign-In ID with the user PSN account email. Give the Role as Title Dev and click Add.

Set up the PSN login method

PSN web login

Use the following steps to set up PSN logins on your player portal website. This will allow your players to sign in to your player portal website using their PSN accounts. You can use client credentials from either PSN 4 or PSN 5 for web logins.

  1. Log in to the AGS Admin Portal, choose your Publisher Namespace, and click Login Method below the User Management sidebar, and click the + Add New button on the right side. AGS Admin Portal add new login button

  2. Click PSN Web. click PSN Web login button

  3. Fill out the popup menu with the credentials you created on the PSN Partner Center. PSN Web Config

    • For PSN 4 credentials:

      • Client ID is your PS4 DevNet App Server/Website product Client ID.
      • Client Secret is your PS4 DevNet App Server/Website product Client Secret.
    • For PSN 5 credentials:

      • Client ID is your PS5 DevNet App Server product Client ID.
      • Client Secret is your PS5 DevNet App Server product Client Secret.
    • Environment is the current environment of your PSN product. There are three types of environments: sp-int (development), prod-qa (QA) and np (live environment). To activate the PSN web login, you need to choose np (live environment) because the PSN App Server/Website product is directly going to live/production once you create it on PSN DevNet. The two other environments (sp-int and prod-qa) are primarily used for the testing/QA process on DevKit/Testing Console. For further details about the PSN environment, please refer to this link

    • Fill Redirect URI in with your <BaseURL>(BaseURL is your domain address, e.g: that is registered on your PS4/PS5 DevNet App Server/Website product configuration.

  4. The system redirects you to the Details page. Click Activate next to Integration, and click Activate again on the popup that appears to confirm. PSN Activate

Player Portal login using a PSN account

After setting up on PSN Developer Partner and AGS Admin Portal (using either PSN 4 or PSN 5 login integration), you can directly test user logins to AGS Player Portal.

  1. Go to your Player Portal and click Login. Player Portal example page

  2. Click the PlayStation Logo. If you can’t find the icon, click More login options, then Login with PlayStation. Player Portal login page Play Portal more login options

  3. Log in with your PSN account credentials. PSN Login page


The system asks players to link their PSN account with an existing or new AGS account. AccelByte is working on making this configurable to enable players to log in to the Player Portal with a headless account.

In-game login (PS4)

Use the following steps to set up PSN 4 logins for your game. This will allow your players to sign in to your game using their PSN accounts from the game.

  1. Log in to the AGS Admin Portal and select your publisher namespace in the top of the left sidebar. Click Login Methods under the User Management menu on the left-hand side. Click the + Add New button on the right-hand side. click to add new PS4 Login

  2. Click PSN 4 SDK. click PS4 SDK

  3. Fill out the following popup form with your PSN App Server/Website product credentials. If you forget the credentials, please download them again by navigating to the App Server/Website product in the Credential files section. click to create PS4 config

    • Client ID is your PS4 DevNet App Server/Website product Client ID.
    • Client Secret is your PS4 DevNet App Server/Website product Client Secret.
    • Environment is the current status of your game in the Concept and Content Pipeline. There are three types of environments: sp-int (development), prod-qa (QA), and np (live environment). To activate PSN 4 in-game login, you need to choose the correct environment of your game status. You can check your game status under the Concepts Section.
      • If the status is "In Development", please use "sp-int (development)".
        • When your game is "In Development" status, it may build on DevKit console directly, and you need to create a request for IAM service static IPs and your network static IPs used by PSN DevKit (e.g your office network/VPN) to get whitelisted by PSN to be able to test in-game login against the sp-int (development) environment. To create the request, you can refer to this section "Request IP whitelisting to PlayStation".
        • Also, you need to add Test Users to your App product.
      • If the status is "Published", please use "np (live environment)".
      • Only use "prod-qa (QA)" once your game is in the certification phase. For further details about the PSN environment, please refer to Environments Overview.
    • Fill Redirect URI with orbis://games since it's the default Redirect URI used for PS4 DevNet App Server/Website products to enable in-game login.
  4. The system redirects you to the Details page. Click Activate next to Integration, and click Activate again on the popup that appears to confirm. PSN 4 Activate

In-game login (PS5)

Use the following steps to set up PSN 5 logins for your game. This will allow your players to sign in to your game using their PSN accounts from the game.

  1. Log into the AGS Admin Portal and select your publisher namespace in the top of the left sidebar. Click Login Methods under the User Management menu on the left-hand side. Click the + Add New button on the right-hand side. click to add new PS5 Login

  2. Select PSN 5 SDK. click PS5 SDK

  3. Fill out the following popup form with your PSN App Server product credentials. If you forget the credentials, please download them again by navigating to the App Server product in the "Credential files" section. PS5 create Configuration

    • Client ID is your PS5 DevNet App Server product Client ID.
    • Client Secret is your PS5 DevNet App Server product Client Secret.
    • Environment is the current status of your game in the Concept and Content Pipeline. There are three types of environments: sp-int (development), prod-qa (QA), and np (live environment). To activate PSN in-game login, you need to choose the correct environment of your game status. You can check your game status under the Concepts Section.
      • If the status is "In Development" please use "sp-int (development)".
        • When your game is "In Development" status, it may build on DevKit console directly, and you need to create a request for IAM service static IPs and your network static IPs used by PSN DevKit (e.g your office network/VPN) to get whitelisted by PSN to be able to test in-game login against the sp-int (development) environment. To create the request, you can refer to this section "Request IP whitelisting to PlayStation".
      • If the status is "Published", please use "np (live environment)".
      • Only use "prod-qa (QA)" once your game is in the certification phase. For further details about the PSN environment, please refer to Environments Overview.
    • Fill Redirect URI with orbis://games since it's the default Redirect URI used for PS5 DevNet App Server products to enable in-game login.
  4. The system redirects you to the Details page. Click Activate next to Integration, and click Activate again on the popup that appears to confirm. PSN 5 Activate

Create an IAM client

An IAM client is a representation of the game client that you want to release on your target platform. With an IAM Client, your game client can request access to protected AGS resources with the appropriate permissions.

  1. In the AGS Admin Portal, go to Platform Configurations and then IAM Clients. click IAM Clients

  2. Create a new IAM client by clicking the + Create New button. IAM Clients click to create new

    a. Enter the Client Type. :::note We recommend you use the Confidential type since you might need to add some permissions to this IAM client later for accessing AGS resources. Adequate security is not available if you use the Public client type. ::: b. In the Secret field, type the secret yourself or click Generate Client Secret to generate a secret key.


    The client secret isn't visible after this creation step. It is vital that you copy and save the value, as you'll need it when you set up your game configuration.

    c. Fill in the Client Name with something like <game name> <target platform>.

    d. Choose your game Namespace.

    e. For Scopes, you can leave the default value.

    f. For Redirect URI, enter as it's for the Game Client Build.

    g. You can leave Target Audience blank.

    h. You can also leave Base URI blank.

    i. You can describe the IAM Client in the Description field.

    j. Platform Input in the SDK Configuration means the Target Platform for your game. In this case, set it to PlayStation.

    k. Advanced Configuration consists of additional features, such as two-factor authentication (2FA) and override expiration time. Since this is for a Game Client build, you can leave these as default/disabled.

    IAM client configuration top

    IAM client configuration bottom


    The system automatically generates the client ID, so you can copy and use it in your SDK Configuration for your game build later on.

  3. The system redirects you to the Client Details page. Set up the permissions you need. For more details about permissions, refer to the IAM Client permission docs.

    IAM Client details

    IAM Client permissions

In-game login instructions

The setup for each game engine is different. Choose your game engine from the available tabs.

In-game login integration (Unreal)

PS4 (Unreal)

Preparing Unreal Engine source code (PS4)


Some processes will be missing due to the Epic Games Private Platform Restrictions. If you need assistance, please contact AccelByte support.

Adding dependencies (Unreal PS4)

First, you need to add the public dependency modules called OnlineSubsystem and OnlineSubsystemPS4 to the <YourProject>.Build.cs file. These dependencies are needed to integrate your project to use the online subsystems from Unreal Engine.

public AccelbyteSdkTestDemo(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "OnlineSubsystem", "OnlineSubsystemUtils","Sockets", "Networking", "InputCore", "AccelByteUe4Sdk", "Json", "JsonUtilities", "Http", "WebSockets"});

if (Target.Platform.Equals(UnrealTargetPlatform.PS4))
DynamicallyLoadedModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "OnlineSubsystemPS4" } );


Add OnlineSubsystemPS4 inside <YourProject>.Target.cs:

public AccelbyteSdkTestDemoTarget( TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Game;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "ABThirdPartyLogin", "OnlineSubsystem", "AccelByteUe4Sdk", "OnlineSubsystemPS4" } );

And add this to <YourProjectEditor>.Target.cs:

public AccelbyteSdkTestDemoEditorTarget( TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Editor;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "ABThirdPartyLogin", "OnlineSubsystem", "AccelByteUe4Sdk", "OnlineSubsystemPS4" } );
Project settings for PS4 (Unreal)

Create a file called PS4Engine.ini in the [ProjectPath]/Platforms/PS4/Config directory. Inside this file, you need to add several variables of PS4 configuration. You need this configuration to make sure PS4 will initiate automatically by default when opening the project.

To tell Unreal Engine to use Online Subsystem PS4, add the following setting:


Then, you'll need to configure the OnlineSubsystemPS4 module by adding the following settings:


Add the application server TitleID and TitlePasscode values as shown below:

TitleID=<Your PS4 Title ID>
TitlePasscode=<Your PS4 Title Passcode>
Project settings for AGS (Unreal PS4)

Add AccelByte credentials inside the DefaultEngine.ini file:

ClientId=<Your IAM_Client_Id>
ClientSecret=<Your IAM_Client_Secret>
Namespace=<Your Namespace>
PublisherNamespace=<Your Publisher Namespace>

Sample code implementation (Unreal PS4)

We will now show you how to implement the PS4 authentication method for your game with sample code.

The IOnlineSubsystem reads the DefaultPlatformService value defined in PS4Engine.ini. The IdentityInterface manages interactions with these services related to user accounts, enabling user authentication and access token retrieval. Once the operation is successful, the LoginWithOtherPlatform function of the AccelByte SDK handles third-party platform login using the authentication token obtained from the Identity Interface.

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("Begin Login"));
const IOnlineSubsystem* OnlineSubsystem = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
if (OnlineSubsystem == nullptr)//will get active OSS Platform Service
FString Message = TEXT("Cannot login with no online subsystem set!");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);

const IOnlineIdentityPtr OnlineIdentity = OnlineSubsystem->GetIdentityInterface();
if (!OnlineIdentity.IsValid())
FString Message = TEXT("Could not retrieve identity interface from native subsystem.");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);
APlayerController* MyPlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0);;

const ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(MyPlayerController->Player);
if (LocalPlayer == nullptr)
FString Message = TEXT("Can only login with native platform for local players");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);
const FVoidHandler OnLoginSuccessDelegate = FVoidHandler::CreateLambda([=]() {
FAccountUserData AccountUserData = FRegistry::Credentials.GetAccountUserData();

FString AccountUserDataString;
FJsonObjectConverter::UStructToJsonObjectString(AccountUserData, AccountUserDataString);

FString Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("Login to AB Service Success : %s"), *AccountUserDataString);
const FCustomErrorHandler OnLoginErrorDelegate = FCustomErrorHandler::CreateLambda([=](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage, const FJsonObject& ErrorObject) {
FString Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("Error Login to AB Service : %s"), *ErrorMessage);//Failed Login to AB Service
const FOnLoginCompleteDelegate NativeLoginComplete = FOnLoginCompleteDelegate::CreateLambda([=]
(int32 LocalUserNum, bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& UserId, const FString& Error) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("OnLoginComplete %s : %s"), bWasSuccessful ? TEXT("Success") : TEXT("Fail"), *Error);
FString Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("OnLoginComplete %s : %s"), bWasSuccessful ? TEXT("Success") : TEXT("Fail"), *Error);

if (bWasSuccessful)
FString PS4Token= OSS->GetIdentityInterface()->GetAuthToken(0);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("PlatformToken : %s"), *PlatformToken);
OnActionInfoUpdated.Broadcast(FString::Printf(TEXT("PlatformToken : %s"), *PlatformToken));//Will Obtained Auth Ticket from OnlineIdentity

FRegistry::User.LoginWithOtherPlatform(EAccelBytePlatformType::PS4, PS4Token, OnLoginSuccessDelegate, OnLoginErrorDelegate);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Request LoginWithOtherPlatform"));
OnActionInfoUpdated.Broadcast(TEXT("Request LoginWithOtherPlatform"));
}//this method will hitting the Accelbyte endpoint and will return value after success
OnlineIdentity->AddOnLoginCompleteDelegate_Handle(LocalPlayer->GetControllerId(), NativeLoginComplete);
const bool bWaitForDelegate = OnlineIdentity->Login(LocalPlayer->GetControllerId(), FOnlineAccountCredentials());
if (!bWaitForDelegate)
FString Message = TEXT("The online subsystem couldn't login");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);

FString Message = TEXT("Sending login request to native subsystem!");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);

Project settings (Unreal PS4)

  • For working with websocket, please copy the certificate from your Unreal File in the Engine/Content/Certificates/ThirdParty directory.
  • Create a Content/Certificates folder in the project directory.
  • In your project settings, under Packaging, add an array item to “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package”, with the value Certificates.

Project-packaging (Unreal PS4)

Compile the editor and run it. Click on File > Package Project. You will find Game Console Target on the list. Select PlayStation 4.

Sample code testing (Unreal PS4)

Below is a screenshot demonstrating that the code works and we are able to log in using a PSN account with the sample code. Sample Code Testing Unreal PS4

PS5 (Unreal)

You can integrate AccelByte SDK into your PS5 game with so that your players can log in using their PSN credentials.

Preparation and configuration (Unreal PS5)


Some processes will be missing due to the Epic Games Private Platform Restrictions. If you need assistance, please contact AccelByte support.

Adding dependency (Unreal PS5)

First, you need to add public dependency modules called OnlineSubsystem and OnlineSubsystemPS5 to the <YourProject>.Build.cs file. These dependencies are needed to integrate your project to use the online subsystems from Unreal Engine.

public AccelbyteSdkTestDemo(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "OnlineSubsystem", "OnlineSubsystemUtils",
"Sockets", "Networking", "InputCore", "AccelByteUe4Sdk", "Json", "JsonUtilities", "Http", "WebSockets"

if (Target.Platform.Equals(UnrealTargetPlatform.PS5))
DynamicallyLoadedModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "OnlineSubsystemPS5" } );


Add OnlineSubsystemPS5 inside <YourProject>.Target.cs:

public AccelbyteSdkTestDemoTarget( TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Game;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "ABThirdPartyLogin", "OnlineSubsystem", "AccelByteUe4Sdk", "OnlineSubsystemPS5" } );

And add this to <YourProjectEditor>.Target.cs:

public AccelbyteSdkTestDemoEditorTarget( TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
{Type = TargetType.Editor;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "ABThirdPartyLogin", "OnlineSubsystem", "AccelByteUe4Sdk", "OnlineSubsystemPS5" } );
Project settings for PS5 (Unreal)

Inside your PS5Engine.ini, file you need to add several variables for PS5 configuration. You need this configuration to make sure PS5 will initiate automatically by default when opening the project.

To tell Unreal Engine to use Online Subsystem PS5, add the following setting:


Then, you'll need to configure the OnlineSubsystemPS5 module by adding the following settings:


Add the application server ClientId and AuthCode entitlement scope values in the following format:

ApplicationServerClientId=<<app server client_id>>
AuthCodeEntitlementScopes=psn:s2s openid id_token:psn.basic_claims
Project settings for AGS (Unreal PS5)

Add AccelByte credentials inside the DefaultEngine.ini file:

ClientId=<Your IAM_Client_Id>
ClientSecret=<Your IAM_Client_Secret>
Namespace=<Your Namespace>
PublisherNamespace=<Your Publisher Namespace>

Sample code implementation (Unreal PS5)

We will now show you how to implement the PS5 authentication method for your game with sample code.

The IOnlineSubsystem reads the DefaultPlatformService value defined in PS5Engine.ini. The IdentityInterface manages interactions with these services related to user accounts, enabling user authentication and access token retrieval. Once the operation is successful, the LoginWithOtherPlatform function of the AccelByte SDK handles third-party platform login using the authentication token obtained from the Identity Interface.

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), TEXT("Begin Login"));
const IOnlineSubsystem* OnlineSubsystem = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
if (OnlineSubsystem == nullptr)
FString Message = TEXT("Cannot login with no online subsystem set!");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);

const IOnlineIdentityPtr OnlineIdentity = OnlineSubsystem->GetIdentityInterface();
if (!OnlineIdentity.IsValid())
FString Message = TEXT("Could not retrieve identity interface from native subsystem.");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);
APlayerController* MyPlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0);;

const ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(MyPlayerController->Player);
if (LocalPlayer == nullptr)
FString Message = TEXT("Can only login with native platform for local players");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);
const FVoidHandler OnLoginSuccessDelegate = FVoidHandler::CreateLambda([=]() {
FAccountUserData AccountUserData = FRegistry::Credentials.GetAccountUserData();

FString AccountUserDataString;
FJsonObjectConverter::UStructToJsonObjectString(AccountUserData, AccountUserDataString);

FString Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("Login to AB Service Success : %s"), *AccountUserDataString);
const FCustomErrorHandler OnLoginErrorDelegate = FCustomErrorHandler::CreateLambda([=](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage, const FJsonObject& ErrorObject) {
FString Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("Error Login to AB Service : %s"), *ErrorMessage);

const FOnLoginCompleteDelegate NativeLoginComplete = FOnLoginCompleteDelegate::CreateLambda([=]
(int32 LocalUserNum, bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& UserId, const FString& Error) {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("OnLoginComplete %s : %s"), bWasSuccessful ? TEXT("Success") : TEXT("Fail"), *Error);
FString Message = FString::Printf(TEXT("OnLoginComplete %s : %s"), bWasSuccessful ? TEXT("Success") : TEXT("Fail"), *Error);

if (bWasSuccessful)
FString PS5Token= OSS->GetIdentityInterface()->GetAuthToken(0);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("PlatformToken : %s"), *PlatformToken);
OnActionInfoUpdated.Broadcast(FString::Printf(TEXT("PlatformToken : %s"), *PlatformToken));

FRegistry::User.LoginWithOtherPlatform(EAccelBytePlatformType::PS5, PS5Token, OnLoginSuccessDelegate, OnLoginErrorDelegate);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Request LoginWithOtherPlatform"));
OnActionInfoUpdated.Broadcast(TEXT("Request LoginWithOtherPlatform"));
OnlineIdentity->AddOnLoginCompleteDelegate_Handle(LocalPlayer->GetControllerId(), NativeLoginComplete);
const bool bWaitForDelegate = OnlineIdentity->Login(LocalPlayer->GetControllerId(), FOnlineAccountCredentials());
if (!bWaitForDelegate)
FString Message = TEXT("The online subsystem couldn't login");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);

FString Message = TEXT("Sending login request to native subsystem!");
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *Message);

Project settings (Unreal PS5)

  • For working with websocket, please copy the certificate from your Unreal File in the Engine/Content/Certificates/ThirdParty directory.
  • Create a Content/Certificates folder in the project directory.
  • In your project settings, under Packaging, add an array item to "Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package", with the value Certificates.

Project-packaging (Unreal PS5)

Compile the editor and run it. Click on File > Package Project. You will find Game Console Target on the list. Select PlayStation 5.

Sample code testing (Unreal PS5)

Below is a screenshot demonstrating that the code works and we are able to login using PSN account with the sample code. Sample Code Testing Unreal PS5


IP whitelisting

PlayStation DevKit can't access sp-int or development environment web pages because access is denied.


Request access to Sony Partner Manager or Sony Support to whitelist the device's public IP.