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Set up Snapchat as an identity provider

Last updated on November 3, 2023


This guide is intended to help verified Snapchat developers to connect Snapchat Accounts to AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS). You may need to set up additional features within Snapchat services which are not listed here. For full information about setting up Snapchat services, we recommend contacting your Snapchat representative and reviewing Snapchat documentation directly.

You can request confidential guide materials from your AccelByte Technical Producer.


Enable the Snapchat authentication method for your game with the AccelByte Game SDK.


  • A Snapchat Developer account.
  • An Organization Under Developer Account
  • If you use Unreal Engine, install UE version 4.27 or 5.0.
  • An AccelByte Admin Portal Account to set up authentication and manage permissions.
  • A Publisher Namespace for your Player Portal and Launcher, and a Game Namespace for your game.
  • A Player Portal.
  • A Unity or Unreal game project with the latest version of the AccelByte Game SDK imported.
  • Familiarity with AccelByte IAM Clients.

Setting up Snapchat Kit App

Create Snap Kit App

Create a Snap Kit App under your Snapchat Developer Account. Follow the Setting up your first app guide

Activate Snap Login Kit

Activate Snap Login Kit under your Snap Kit App and fill Redirect URI for OAuth with your domain URL (e.g., More Info about Login Kit you can refer to Login Kit Overview

Setting Up In Game Login for Snapchat

Use the following steps to set up Snapchat logins in your game. This will allow your players to sign in to your game using their Snapchat accounts

  1. Login into the AccelByte Admin portal, choose your Game Namespace and click Login Method below the User Management sidebar, and click the + Add New button on the right side. AccelByte Admin Portal Login

  2. Click on Snapchat Button. Snapchat

  3. Fill Client ID with your Snap Kit Client ID, Client Secret with your Snap Kit Client Secret and Redirect URI with your Snapchat Login Kit OAuth Redirect URI/ Snapchat Create Configuration

  4. You will be redirected to the detail page, at this point you just need to activate it and it will able to be used. Activate Snapchat

Create IAM Client

An IAM client is a representation of the game client that you want to release on your target platform. With IAM Client, your game client can request access to protected AGS resources with the appropriate permissions.

If you already have an IAM Client for your game on a specific SDK Platform e.g. xbox/steam/playstation, you don’t have to create a new IAM Client. Since Snapchat is not a platform on which to build games, you can use an existing IAM Client. Learn more about IAM Clients by reading Manage Access Control For Applications documentation.

  1. Go to Platform Configurations and then IAM Clients.

    IAM clients

  2. Create a new IAM Client by clicking the + Create New button.

    Create IAM client

    a. Fill in the Client Type as Confidential. We highly recommend you use the Confidential type, since you might need to add some permissions to this IAM Client later for accessing AccelByte Gaming Services resources and adequate security is not available if you use the Public type.

    b. Fill in Secret, you can type the secret in the accepted format yourself or you can simply click Generate Client Secret to generate a secret key.

    the client secret will not be visible after this creation step. It is vital that you copy it and save the value. You will need it when you set up your game configuration.

    c. Fill in Client Name, you can name it with specific name such as <game name> <target platform>.

    d. Choose your game Namespace.

    e. For Scopes, you can leave the default value.

    f. For Redirect URI, you can fill with since it's for Game Client Build.

    g. You can leave Target Audience blank.

    h. You can also leave BASE URI blank.

    i. You can describe the IAM Client in the Description field.

    j. Platform Input in the SDK Configuration means the Target Platform for your game.

    k. Advanced Configuration consists of additional features, such as 2FA and override expiration time. Since this is for a Game Client build, you can leave these as default / disabled.

    IAM client configuration

    IAM client configuration


    The Client ID will already be generated so you can copy it. You can use the Client ID in your SDK Configuration for your game build later on.

  3. You will be redirected to the Client Detail page. Please set up the required permissions as you need. For more details about permissions please refer to the IAM Client permission docs.

    IAM Client detail

    IAM Client detail

In Game Login Instructions

The setup for each game engine is different. Please choose your game engine from the available tabs.

Unreal In-game login integration

You can integrate your Snapchat Game to sign-in with AccelByte SDK so that your players can log in to games using Snapchat credentials.

Unreal Preparation and Configuration

Snapchat doesn’t support integration for UE4. So, the implementation uses web login and retrieving login code from SnapChat Auth as a token to Login into AccelByte. The Snapchat account will be linked to the AccelByte account as well, by default it will be a headless account


Adding dependency

First you need to add public dependency modules called AccelbyteUe4Sdk, This dependencies needed for integrating your project to use the our Accelbyte SDK Plugin within Unreal Engine.

public ABThirdPartyLogin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore" , "AccelByteUe4Sdk", "Slate", "SlateCore" });

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Json", "HTTP" });


Add AccelbyteUe4Sdk inside <YourProject>.Target.cs and <YourProjectEditor>.Target.cs

public ABThirdPartyLoginTarget( TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Game;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "ABThirdPartyLogin", "AccelByteUe4Sdk" } );
public ABThirdPartyLoginEditorTarget( TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Editor;
DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V2;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "ABThirdPartyLogin", "AccelByteUe4Sdk" } );

Unreal Engine Project Setting for Snapchat

Inside your DefaultEngine.ini file please Add Accelbyte credential here on DefaultEngine.ini

ClientId=<Your Client_Id>
ClientSecret=<Your Client_Secret>
Namespace=<Your Namespace>
PublisherNamespace=<Your Publisher Namespace>


Unreal Sample Code Implementation

Next step, we will show you how to implement the Snapchat authentication method for your game with sample code below.

  1. Create WebBrowser item in BluePrint as a login container.

  2. Load Login Snapchat Url :

    And add auth params :

    1. redirect_uri: RedirectURL when login is done. Since redirection is back to the game fill value with BaseURL (FRegistry::Settings.BaseUrl). Also, put the BaseUrl value in the Redirect Uri config in the Snapchat developer portal to whitelist.
    2. response_type: Put value with “code”.
    3. scope: Put value with permission scope \ access to the user's Snapchat display name access to the user's Bitmoji avatar; toggleable by user access to the user's external id which can be used to onboard the user into an application
void UAccelByteAuth::SnapChatLogin()
FString SnapChatClientId;
GConfig->GetString(TEXT("SnapChatConfig"), TEXT("SnapChatClientId"), SnapChatClientId, GEngineIni);
FString RedirectUri = FRegistry::Settings.BaseUrl;
FString Scope = TEXT("");

FString Url = FString::Printf(TEXT(""),

WBrowser_SnapChatAuth->OnUrlChanged.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &UAccelByteAuth::AccelByteLoginWithSnapChat);

void UAccelByteAuth::AccelByteLoginWithSnapChat(const FText& NewUrl)
FString Url = NewUrl.ToString();
FString RedirectUri = FRegistry::Settings.BaseUrl;
FString LoginCode = TEXT("");

if (Url.Contains(RedirectUri))
LoginCode = FGenericPlatformHttp::GetUrlParameter(Url, TEXT("code")).GetValue();

if (!LoginCode.IsEmpty())
FRegistry::User.LoginWithOtherPlatform(EAccelBytePlatformType::SnapChat, LoginCode, FVoidHandler::CreateWeakLambda(this, [this]()
// Handle Success Login
FCustomErrorHandler::CreateWeakLambda(this, [](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage, const FJsonObject& ErrorJson)
// Handle Error Login

// Close Login Page (Hide WebBrowser)

platform_token for Snapchat Authentication is Auth Code

After adding this sample code to your project, compile, build, and run your project. That's it!

Sample Code Testing

The image below shows a successful login using an Snapchat account to our test app. Unreal Code Testing