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Upload a dedicated server build using the AMS CLI


AccelByte Multiplayer Servers (AMS) can be configured to automatically distribute dedicated servers regionally. The dedicated servers are used to serve game sessions. The first step is to upload the dedicated server build to an AMS account so that AMS can containerize these dedicated server builds for regional distribution.


After you complete this guide, you should have an understanding of the following:

  • How to use the AMS command line interface (CLI) to upload a dedicated server image
  • How to create an upload command


Before you begin this guide, you should set up an IAM client for dedicated server uploading with the following permissions:

Permission nameAction
AMS:UPLOADCreate, Update
AGS Starter

If you are an AGS Starter customer, you are able to create an IAM client with all the necessary permissions for dedicated server uploading by clicking Create DS Uploader IAM Client under the Create New button on the IAM Clients page.

A client that is capable of uploading a dedicated server has the DS Uploader tag.

The IAM client is used to verify the identity of the uploader. Visit the Authorization guide to learn about AGS Authorization.

Best Practice

Create an API client specifically for dedicated server uploading.

Server image requirements
  • The dedicated server images are built in either x84 or x64. ARM is currently not supported.
  • The dedicated server images are built on Linux.

The upload and build process

AMS has a number of services to facilitate the upload and build process.

The AMS CLI uploads your dedicated server files onto a remote drive. Once the upload is finished, the AMS Shipyard Service will proceed to containerize the files alongside the other essential services to be deployed to a hosting machine. The resulting image is then stored in a centralized container repository, ready to be downloaded by the hosting machine to spin up dedicated servers.


All dedicated server images are stored under an account, meaning that all namespaces that share the same account will have access to all the server images that are uploaded to it.

Using the dedicated server uploader

The general barebones command would be similar to this:

> ams-cli upload -H <host> -c <iam_client_id> -s <iam_client_secret> -n <image_name> -p <path_to_server_folder> -e <exec_command>

More help is available directly in the AMS CLI to build your command. To access the help menu, simply type ams upload –help. The following options will be shown to you:

CLI help

Command Flags

  • -c, --clientId

    The IAM client ID to be used for the uploader to authenticate.

  • -e, --executable

    Relative path within the directory to upload of the executable to run.

  • -H, --hostURL

    Specify the host name of the environment that you want to upload to. The host name is the base URL of the environment, without the https://.

  • -n, --imageName

    Name of the image that is going to be built.

  • -p, --path

    The local path to your dedicated server to be uploaded. This can either be an absolute path or a relative path.

  • -s, --secret

    Specify the IAM client secret to be used for the uploader, to authenticate if the IAM client in use is a confidential client. Otherwise this option can be skipped.

  • -f, --symbolFiles (Optional)

    Use this option if you want your debug symbols to be uploaded alongside the server files. The default is false.