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Using AMS with the session service


The management of a game session lifecycle, from matchmaking to game hosting, is the responsibility of the AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) session service. Its session template offers various configuration options to find a host for the game session, whether it is a P2P host or a dedicated server, the session template offers various configuration options. This section provides guidance on how to configure your session templates to claim dedicated servers seamlessly from AccelByte Multiplayer Servers (AMS).


To learn how to configure the session template to automatically claim dedicated servers from AMS fleets to host a game session.


Before you begin this guide, you should complete the following:

  • Create a fleet that uses one of your dedicated server images.
  • Assign claim keys to some of your fleets.

What is a session template?

The Session service uses templates to define default properties. This is intended to make it easy for you to conceptualize the different player experiences you want to enable in your game. Please refer to the Play > Session page for more information.

Creating a session template to claim dedicated servers from AMS

To configure your session template to claim dedicated servers from AMS, select the option "DS - AMS” in the Session Type combo box.

session template

  • Enter the claim keys that your sessions should use, in the order that you want your claim keys to be used. For more information on claim keys, please refer to the claim keys article.
  • Select the regions that you want to claim from in the Requested Regions field, in the order of regions that you want the claim to happen.
  • Once you are happy with your configuration, click create to complete the process.