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Configure season passes

Last updated on November 2, 2023


The season pass service offered by AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) enables you to have a seasonal progression system within your game. Players can progress through the season by earning experience points to level up the tiers and unlocking rewards at various tiers. Season passes not only add revenue streams, but they also foster player engagement by offering a sense of accomplishment as they progress to unlock the rewards throughout the season. This guide will show you how to configure a season pass.

Season Pass Light Fantastic


  • Access to the AGS Admin Portal.
  • Access to the AccelByte Season Pass API documentation.
  • Access to the AccelByte ECommerce API to configure the required information.

Set up a season pass item

Before you can create a season pass, you need to define the pass item, tier item, and reward item in the store. Pass and tier items enable you to monetize the season pass. Purchasing a premium pass item grants players with a premium season pass with a more exclusive rewards, including unique in-game items, which will help the player fully immerse into the game. On the other hand, purchasing tier items helps players to advance through the season faster without the necessity of manually clearing the tier. The reward item is the in-game item or coin that a player can obtain upon clearing a tier.

To configure store items, see Create an item in a store. After creating items in the draft store, you can skip publishing the store. Publishing the store can be done right before publishing the season.

Create a pass item

To create a pass item, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Create Item page inside the Store.

    Create Pass Item form

  2. Choose item type Season, and select PASS under Item.

  3. Fill in the Store Configuration section. To fill in the section, see Create an item in a store.

  4. Click Create to create the pass item.

Create a tier item

To create a tier item, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Create Item page inside the Store.

    Create Tier Item form

  2. Choose the item type Season, and select TIER under Item.

  3. Fill in the Store Configuration section. To fill in the section, see Create an item in a store.

  4. Click Create to create the tier item.

Create a season pass

To create a season in the Admin Portal, follow these steps:

  1. In your game namespace, open Game Management in the sidebar and select Season Pass.

    Admin Portal Season Pass Game Management page

  2. In the Season Pass tab, click the Create Draft Season button.

    Click to create new season

  3. The Create Season Pass form appears. Fill in the required fields.

    Create new season form

    • Add the Season Name.
    • Select the default language for localization in the Default Language field. After creating your season, you'll be able to add additional languages for localization.
    • Select the date and time period when this season will start and end in the Season Pass Period field.
    • Select the Draft Store where the items related to the season are located.
    • Select the tier item in the Tier Item field.
    • Input the default experience (exp.) to clear each tier in the Default Exp. field.
    • Select the Automatically claim reward option if you prefer to automatically grant rewards to the players. Otherwise, players will need to manually claim rewards from inside the game.
  4. Click Save & Next.

  5. After filling out the Create Season form, you will be directed to the Passes tab. From this point, you have the options to do the following:

    a. In the Passes tab, add a pass to you season. To do so, follow 3&ndash5 in the Configure a pass section. Then, click Next to go to the Rewards tab. b. In the Rewards tab, add a reward to your season. To do so, follow steps 3&ndash5 in the Configure a reward section. Then, click Next to go to the Tiers tab. c. In the Tiers, add a tier to your season. To do so, follow steps 3&ndash5 in the [Configure a tier](#configure-a-tier section). Proceed to the next step.


    You can skip these options for now and configure them at a later time, after you save your season. Keep selecting Skip until you reach the Tiers tab. Proceed to the next step.

  6. In the Tiers tab, click Create to create and save your season as a draft season. If any, the passes, rewards, and tiers that you created will also be added to draft season. The preview page of your created season appears.

    Preview season


    You can adjust name, period, passes, rewards and tiers in the preview directly.

  7. As a next step, you can:

View published and draft seasons

To view published and draft seasons, follow these steps:

  1. In your game namespace, open Game Management in the sidebar and select Season Pass.

  2. In the Season Pass page, you can view your published seasons in the Published Seasons and your draft seasons in the Draft Season tab.

Configure a season pass

You can configure the pass, reward, and tier of any draft season in the Admin Portal.

Configure a pass

To configure a pass in the Admin Portal, follow these steps:

  1. In the Draft Season tab, find the draft season with the pass you want to configure. Hover over its Menu dropdown and click View.

    Click to view season

  2. On the Season Details page, go to the Passes tab.

    Season details page passes tab

  3. To create a pass, click the Create Pass button.

    Click create pass button

  4. The Create Pass form will appear. Fill in the required fields.

    Season Pass Create new pass form

    • In the Pass Code field, add the unique identifier.
    • In the Display Order field, add the position you want this pass to occupy in the game. A pass with a Display Order of 1 will appear at the top of the list, 2 will appear under 1, and so on.
    • In the Pass Item dropdown, select the item that you want to associate with this pass.
    • Select Automatically Enrolled if you want all players who participate in the season event to be automatically granted this pass without purchasing the pass item. For a free pass, you can check Automatically Enrolled. Otherwise, for a premium pass, you should leave Automatically Enrolled unchecked.
    • The Language selection is the same as the default language for the related season and cannot be changed.
    • In the Title field, add the default name for the pass in the Title field.
    • In the Description field, add the default description of the pass.
  5. When you're finished, click the Create button. The new pass will be added to the list of passes in the season.

  • You can edit and delete the passes in a draft season.
  • When you delete a pass, all the rewards tied to that pass will be removed.

Configure a reward

To configure a reward in the Admin Portal, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Game Management section in your game namespace and click Season Pass. Select Draft Season tab, hover Menu and click the View action next to your target draft season.

    Click to view season

  2. On the Season Details page, go to the Rewards tab.

    Season pass details rewards tab

  3. On the Rewards page, click on the Create Reward button.

    Click to create new reward

  4. The Create New Reward form will appear. Fill in the required fields.

    create new reward form

    • In the Reward Code field, add a unique identifier for the code.
    • Open the Reward Item Type dropdown, then select a reward item type that will be awarded to players. The options are Items, Coins, and Bundles. For more information about item types, see Item Store.
    • Open the Reward Item dropdown, choose the item that will be awarded to players.
    • In the Reward Item Quantity field, type in the quantity of the item that will be awarded to players.
    • Click + Upload to upload an image for the item.
  5. When you're finished, click the Save button. The new reward will be added to the list of rewards in the season.

  • Once you've created a reward, you can edit or delete it when it is no longer needed.
  • While you can edit a reward, the reward's Reward Code cannot be changed.

Configure a tier

To configure a tier in the Admin Portal, follow these steps:

  1. In the Draft Season tab, find the draft season with the pass you want to configure. Hover over its Menu dropdown and click View.

    Click to view season

  2. On the Season Details page, go to the Tiers tab.

    Season pass details tiers tab

  3. To create a tier, click the Create Tier dropdown. Then, do one of the following:

    • Select Create Tier to create a single tier
    • Select Bulk Create Tier to create a bulk tier.

    click to create new tier

  4. Depending on what you chose in step 3, the corresponding form appears. Fill in the required fields.

    Create single tier

    • In the Tier Order Number field, type in the tier number you want this season to have.
    • In the Exp to Clear field, add the amount of experience (exp.) a player needs to clear each tier.
    • Fill in each field by choosing the rewards that you want to bind to that specific pass. You can select multiple rewards for a single pass.

    Create single tier form

    Create bulk tier

    • In the Tier Amount field, type in the number of tiers you want this season to have.
    • In the Exp. to Clear field, add the amount of experience (exp.) a player needs to clear each tier.

    Create bulk tier form

  5. Once completed, click the Create button. The new tier will be added to the list of rewards in the season.

Associate rewards with passes and tiers

Once you've created rewards, you'll need to associate them with the corresponding passes and tiers. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the Draft Season tab, find the draft season with the pass you want to configure. Hover over its Menu dropdown and click View.

    Click to view season

  2. On the Season Details page, go to the Tiers tab.

  3. Then, click the Edit button next to your desired tier's Action column.

    Click to view tiers details

  4. The Edit Tier No. 1 form will appear. Fields will appear for each pass in this season. Fill in each field by choosing the rewards that you want to bind to that specific pass. You can select multiple rewards for a single pass.

    Tier number 1 configuration form

  5. When you're finished, click the Save button. The rewards will be tied to the pass in this tier.

Publish a season

To start a season, it must be published before its start date.


You can only have one Published Season at a time.

To publish a draft season, follow these steps:

  1. In your game namespace, open Game Management from the sidebar, then click Season Pass.

  2. Open the Draft Season tab.

  3. Hover over Menu and click Publish next to your target draft season.

    Click to publish season

  4. The Publish Season form will appear. To publish the season, type PUBLISH into the available field and click the Publish button.

    publish a season

  5. The draft season will be published.