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Configuring session templates with the Admin Portal

Last updated on September 21, 2023


A session backend service is a critical component for many games, particularly those with online multiplayer functionality. A session backend service is responsible for handling the session, and connecting players with each other.

Session templates enable a game developer to be able to configure how the session should behave.

The goals of this topic are to provide:

  • An overview of Session Templates, and how to configure them in the Admin Portal.
  • An understanding of how the configuration of session templates reflects in the game.


To complete the following guide, you should have:

  • Familiarity with Matchmaking service
  • Access to the Admin Portal

Manage the Session Template Configuration

  1. In the left-hand menu, navigate to Game Management, click New Matchmaking, and select Session Templates.

  2. Select + Add Session Template in the top right-hand corner.

  3. The Add Session Template form will appear.

  4. Fill in the following fields:

    • Session Template Name: enter a name for your session template.
    • Session Type: select the session type from the dropdown menu.
    • Min Players: set the minimum number of players allowed in the session.
    • Max Players: set the maximum number of players allowed in the session.
    • Invite Timeout: set the time limit (in seconds) before an invite from the session times out.
    • Inactive Timeout: set how long (in seconds) the session will wait before timing out a player that has been disconnected from the lobby, and hasn't reconnected yet.
    • Joinability: select the joinability setting from the dropdown menu.
    • Requested Regions: select the regions this session can be used in, from the dropdown menu.

Example: Create a Template for a Private Session

In this example, you define the behavior of the session by setting the type and joinability. If the type was set to NONE, and the joinability to INVITE ONLY, the session would behave like a party session, and a new player is only able to join the session if they are invited.

With the configuration shown below, the session is able to consist of between 1 and 5 players. While the Invite timeout=60, is the amount of time before the invitation expires. Inactive timeout=60 means that if a player is already in the session, but is disconnected from the lobby service for more than 60 seconds, then they will be dropped.