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Byte Wars Introduction

Last updated on January 13, 2024

What's Byte Wars?

Byte Wars is the official tutorial game for AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS). It is intended to act as a sample project that can be used as a reference for the best practices to integrate our services into your game. We created Byte Wars from scratch as a fully functional offline game. This offline game was then brought online with the power of AccelByte's AGS platform by adding different services from each of our service areas such as Access, Play and Engagement. Every tutorial module walks you through a step-by-step guide to add a specific feature to Byte Wars which you can then translate into your own game. As a game developer, you can also jump to any specific tutorial module depending on your needs.

Who is this for?

If you are interested in learning more about how our services can bring an offline game to life by adding different features, or if you are looking to see a walkthrough of a reference implementation then you are at the right place!

How is this different from the 'guides'?

Each of our Service areas have 'guides' within them that focus on specific use cases and have very specific reference implementations to help you solve a problem. These guides cover everything that AGS has to offer along with relevant explanations.

The Byte Wars tutorials on the other hand covers best practices for how to integrate AGS into a game. They also have a more detailed reference implementation with comprehensive sample code snippets that you can use in your games.

How do I navigate the tutorial modules?

We have Tutorial Modules available for both Unreal Engine and Unity. Inside the engine entry, you will see two entries: Learning Paths and Learning Modules. Learning Paths consists of links to specific module in order you need to understand to implement a feature. The Learning Modules on the other hand consists of the actual tutorial. You can start from:

Follow along to learn how to use AGS in a game using Byte Wars as a reference. If you are following a path, Whenever you have finished a module, go back to the path to see which module you should follow next to implement a specific feature.

If you're looking for something specific you can just jump to the module under the Unreal: Learning Modules or Unity: Learning Modules you are interested in and switch to our pre-made branch for that module. You will have to download the necessary resources for that module to follow along.