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Unreal Engine Module - Login with Steam - Play test

Last updated on January 13, 2024

Login with Steam via Button

  1. First, make sure the bAutoLogin in the /ByteWars/TutorialModule.AuthEssentials is set to false. You can change it in the /Config/DefaultEngine.ini file.

  2. Build your project and open it in the Unreal Editor. Then, play your game in the Standalone mode.

    Play game in standalone mode

  3. Now, select log in with Steam button, and you should be able to log in and be redirected to the Main Menu.

    Log in with steam preview

  4. Congratulations! Your login with Steam implementation is working properly.

Auto Login with Steam

  1. First, make sure the bAutoLogin in the /ByteWars/TutorialModule.AuthEssentials is set to true. You can change it in the /Config/DefaultEngine.ini file.

  2. Build your project and open it in the Unreal Editor. Then, play your game in the Standalone mode.

    Play game in standalone mode

  3. Now, your game will automatically log in with Steam and redirect to Main Menu.

    Steam auto log in preview

  4. Congratulations! Your auto login with Steam implementation is working properly.
