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Unreal Engine Module - Login with Steam - Set Up Steam Login Method

Last updated on January 13, 2024

Configure Steam Login Method in Admin Portal

In this tutorial section, you will learn how to add a Steam login method in the Admin Portal.

  1. To activate the Steam login method, open AccelByte's Demo Admin Portal dashboard and select your game namespace. From the side menu panel of the dashboard, select User Management > Login Methods > Add New to add a new login method.

    Login methods list in Admin Portal

  2. Then, you will be redirected to a new menu that displays all available log in methods supported by AccelByte. From the available options, select Steam SDK to add the Steam login method.

    Adding steam login method

  3. From there, a dialog window will pop up where you will need to fill in some information relating to your Steam application. Set the App ID and Steam Web API Key based on your Steam configuration. For the Redirect URI, set it to the default value, which is Once done, click the Create button to finalize the configuration.

    Configuring login method

  4. Now, you should see a new menu that displays your configuration settings. Your configuration status should show as Active. If it is not, you can manually click on the Activate button to activate the Steam login method.

    Login method details

  5. Congratulations! You have successfully configured and activated the Steam login method in the Admin Portal.

Configure Steam OSS

To use Steam as Single Platform Auth, you need to configure the Steam OSS in the game project.

  1. Open the Byte Wars project and open the AccelByteWars.uproject file. Then, under the Plugins attribute, add a new entry for Steam OSS like the following. We have already set this up in Byte Wars, skip to the next step.

    "Plugins": [
    "Name": "OnlineSubsystemSteam",
    "Enabled": true
  2. Now, open the /Config/DefaultEngine.ini file and add the following code. Replace the SteamDevAppId with your Steam App ID.

  3. Next, add your Steam App ID again to the /Script/AccelByteUe4Sdk.AccelByteSettings attribute in the /Config/DefaultEngine.ini.

  4. Then, set the Native Platform Service to Steam in the /Config/DefaultEngine.ini.

  5. Now, build your project and open it in the Unreal Editor.

  6. To check whether the Steam OSS has been configured properly, you need to run your Steam launcher first.

  7. After that, play your game in the Standalone mode. This is because Unreal Engine loads the Steam OSS only in Standalone mode.

    Play game in standalone mode

  8. When you run your game in Standalone mode, you should see a Steam pop-up in the bottom-right corner.

    Logged in with steam

  9. Congratulations! You have successfully configured Steam OSS.
