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Unreal Engine Module - Running DS on Armada - Set up server configuration

Last updated on January 13, 2024

Create initial server configuration

To use Armada, you need to configure it first. In this section, you will learn how to create an initial server configuration for your Armada.

  1. Open your AccelByte's Demo Admin Portal dashboard. From the side menu panel, select Dedicated Server Management > Configurations > Create Configuration.

    Initial DS config menu in Admin Portal

  2. Next, you need to fill out your server configurations. Leave everything as default.

    DS timeout config

    DS port config

  3. Once finished, your server configuration summary will be displayed. Click on the Create Configurations to finalize your configuration.

    DS config summary

  4. Congratulations! The initial server configuration for your Armada is completed. You should be able to see all the configurations you just made.

    Completed DS config
