
AIS 1.1 Release Notes

Last updated on November 14, 2023

Release date: November 6th, 2023

Difference in Schema Tables

The following changes were made to the Schema Tables:

Meaning changes

  • Column namespace_t.parent_id has changed meaning, used to relate to publisher_t.id but now relates to namespace_t.id. The parent namespace is now the publisher.
  • Duplicate data removed from fulfillment_t and agreement_t.
  • Many columns that were nullable are now non-nullable, which simplifies querying and data integrity.
  • Column namespace_t.parent_id has changed meaning, used to relate to publisher_t.id but now relates to namespace_t.id. The parent namespace is the publisher now.

Added tables and columns

  • The following tables have been added:
    • Added new table schema_version_tto show schema history and current version.
    • Added new table schema_version_t to show schema history and current version.
  • The following columns have been added:
    • Added column continent_t.id as the table was missing the standard system id.
    • Added column job_run_idto many tables to track data load. This is not useful for visualizations, rather for internal use.
    • Added column continent_t.id, the table was missing the standard system id.
    • Added column job_run_id in many tables to track data load.
    • Added column user_t.min_event_date to show earliest activity for ease of querying user start date.
    • Added column user_t.parent_user_id to show publisher parent namespaces of game namespaces, simplify and replace the table user_parent_t.
    • Added column telemetry_presence_t.device_platform_id to associate telemetry event with device platform when known.

Removed tables

  • The following tables have been removed:
    • catalog_category_properties_t because the table was obsolete with a simplified namespace hierarchy.
    • environment_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • internal_job_log_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • item_app_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • item_app_t.ype_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • item_code_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • item_ingameitem_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • namespace_parent_t because the table was obsolete with a simplified namespace hierarchy.
    • publisher_t because the table was obsolete with a simplified namespace hierarchy.
    • user_parent_t because column user_t.parent_user_id replaces this table.
    • wallet_balance_change_type_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • wallet_balance_source_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • wallet_balance_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • wallet_status_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • wallet_status_type_t because the table was obsolete and unused.
    • wallet_t because the table was obsolete and unused.

Renamed tables and columns

  • These tables have been renamed as follows:
    • continents_t to continent_t to fit naming standard.
    • entitlement_clazz_type_t to entitlement_class_type_t to fit naming standard.
    • entitlement_properties_t to entitlement_property_t to fit naming standard.
    • fact_activity_daily_orders_t to fact_activity_daily_order_t to fit naming standard.
    • fact_activity_orders_t to fact_activity_order_t to fit naming standard.
    • item_properties_t to item_property_t to fit naming standard.
    • item_tags_t to item_tag_t to fit naming standard.
    • oauth_client_properties_t to oauth_client_property_t to fit naming standard.
    • order_properties_t to order_property_t to fit naming standard.
    • payment_properties_t to order_property_t to fit naming standard.
    • redemptioncode_t to redemption_code_t to fit naming standard.
    • user_dateofbirth_t to user_date_of_birth_t to fit naming standard.
    • user_displayname_t to user_display_name_t to fit naming standard.
    • user_marketingpreference_t to user_marketing_preference_t to fit naming standard.
    • telemetry_presence_flight_t to flight_t to make the term flight which is like a session suitable for more general usage.
    • telemetry_presence_platform_t to device_platform_t to distinguish this device platform and suitable for more general usage.
  • These columns have been renamed as follows:
    • dim_date_t.date_dim_id to dim_date_t.id to fit naming standard.
    • dim_date_t.weekend_indr to dim_date_t.is_weekend_indr to fit naming standard.
    • entitlement_activity_t.source to entitlement_activity_t.source_id to fit naming standard.
    • entitlement_properties_t.clazz_id to entitlement_property_t.class_id to fit naming standard.
    • etl_reject_t.fatal to etl_reject_t.is_fatal to fit naming standard.
    • item_properties_t.stackable to item_property_t.is_stackable to fit naming standard.
    • lobby_session_disconnected_t.forced to lobby_session_disconnected_t.is_forced to fit naming standard.
    • namespace_t.production to namespace_t.is_production to fit naming standard.
    • payment_properties_t.sandbox to payment_property_t.is_sandbox to fit naming standard.
    • user_dateofbirth_t.dateofbirth to user_date_of_birth_t.date_of_birth to fit naming standard.