
Manage age restrictions

Last updated on August 23, 2023


AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) offers an Age Restriction feature that enables you to restrict player account creation for your games, preventing players who do not meet the age requirements from creating accounts. You can set specific age gates in different countries or regions to comply with their regulations.


You need access to the AGS Admin Portal and the appropriate permissions to manage age restrictions.

Set age restrictions

  1. In the AGS Admin Portal, in your game namespace, open the Platform Configurations dropdown in the upper-right and click Age Restrictions located under the GDPR section.

  2. On the Age Restrictions page, set your own restriction rules for any countries or regions:

    • Global Setting:

      • Enable Age Restriction: Enable (Yes) or disable (No) age restrictions.
      • Age Restriction: Set the minimum age requirement for account creation for all countries and regions.
      • Click the Update All button to apply the above settings to all countries and regions.
    • Country List:

      • Search by Country: Use this field to search for and edit a specific country or region's age restriction settings.
      • Age Restriction: Set the minimum age requirement for account creation for a the specific country or region.