
Unlocking an achievement

Last updated on August 9, 2023


The achievement service included with AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) allows you to choose various ways to unlock user achievements depending on your game needs. Unlocking user achievements is dependent on the achievement configuration you have set up. You can only manually unlock a non-incremental achievement. For the an incremental achievement, it will be automatically unlocked once the player has already achieved the achievement goal value.

In this guide, you will learn how the achievement service unlock process works.


  • Explain how to utilize AccelByte SDK to unlock an achievement.


  • Access to the AGS Admin Portal.
  • AccelByte Unreal or Unity SDK, including the permissions:
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
  • Access to AccelByte Achievement API documentation.
  • Access to the AccelByte Statistics API to configure the required information.

Unlock an achievement

There are two ways to unlock a player’s achievement: either from the game client or from the game dedicated server.

Unlock an achievement from the game client

This unlocking process is suitable for unlocking achievements that do not affect the gameplay, such as the player’s first time logging in, the player's first time inviting a friend, etc.

::: info This unlocking process can only be used for non-incremental achievement configuration. :::

To unlock the achievement, you are required to know the achievementCode. You can use that achievement code and the following function to unlock the achievement:

FString AchievementCode = FString("MyAchievementCode");

FRegistry::Achievement.UnlockAchievement(AchievementCode, FVoidHandler::CreateLambda([]()
// Do something if UnlocKAchievement has been successful
}), FErrorHandler:: CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage)
// Do something if UnlockAchievement has an error
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Error UnlockAchievement, Error Code: %d Error Message: %s"), ErrorCode, *ErrorMessage);

Unlock an achievement from the dedicated server

Unlocking an achievement from the server is usually done after a match is completed. To unlock an achievement from the dedicated server, you are required to have the userID of the user you want to grant the achievement and the achievementCode. You can use that information and the following function to unlock the achievement:

FString AchievementCode = FString("MyAchievementCode");
FString UserId = FString("UserId");

FRegistry::ServerAchievement.UnlockAchievement(UserId, AchievementCode, FVoidHandler::CreateLambda([]()
// Do something if UnlockAchievement has been successful
}), FErrorHandler::CreateLambda([](int32 ErrorCode, const FString& ErrorMessage)
// Do something if UnlockAchievement has an error
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Error UnlockAchievement, Error Code: %d Error Message: %s"), ErrorCode, *ErrorMessage);

Further reading

After you set up the achievement configurations, you can use it to integrate with your game. You can follow the documentation below:

Achievement service is also able to cover some other use cases other than progressive achievement. Please find the other documentation below to explore other use cases: