
Extend Event Handler behavior

Last updated on October 27, 2023


To optimally navigate the Extend Event Handler provided by AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS), understanding its event callback behaviors is paramount. This documentation offers insights into the inherent mechanisms, ensuring efficient system management and troubleshooting.

Event Handler behavior synopsis

During certain pivotal moments in the AGS Extend Event Handler's lifecycle, notably initial deployments or reactivation after extended pauses, there's a possibility that some events might not initiate their expected callbacks.

Troubleshoot Event Handler

The following sections can help you understand why certain behaviors occur with the Event Handler.

Verify the issue

  • Non-triggering of the event-handler function for specific events.
  • Event Handler service logs are devoid of records for these events.

Discover the cause

  1. Ascertain the Event-Handler app's initialization or reactivation timestamp.
  2. Match this against the timestamps of the affected events.
  3. Events generated close to these crucial intervals are likely influenced by this behavior.

Apply fix - sequential initialization

When you're booting up the Event Handler app, be it for the first time or after extended periods of inactivity, it's crucial to give a brief pause before generating new events. By doing this, you ensure that all integral components are completely initialized and ready to process incoming events optimally.

By adhering to this strategy, you can maintain consistent and effective operations within the Event Handler app, ensuring all events are processed without hitches. As we explore and implement future enhancements, we will update this documentation to provide you with the latest best practices.