
Getting started with the event handler

Last updated on December 5, 2023

The Extend Override and Events Handler are in Open Beta for AGS Premium Clients! This means Extend available for you to try on your development environment. You can submit your feedback through this link.


This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to use AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) events handler to listen on the UserLogin event and grant in-game entitlement whenever a user login event is triggered.


  1. Windows 10 WSL2 or Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with the following tools installed:

    • Make
    • Docker v23.x
    • docker-compose v2
    • Go v1.20
  1. Access to the AccelByte Gaming Services demo environment.

  2. The extend-helper-cli downloaded, installed, and set up. Download here.

    • To use this tool, please follow its documentation on Github
    • Be aware that from this setup you will add more permission to your Client ID and User ID.

Download the sample app

  1. Clone the event handler sample app.

    git clone https://github.com/AccelByte/extend-event-handler-go.git
  2. In the sample app repository, open the README.md file, then follow the Setup, Building, and Running sections.


These steps are mandatory as you will need to add the following additional permission to the Client ID you're using.


Run and test Extend app locally

To develop the Extend app faster, you can test it using grpcui.

For more details, refer to the README.md file in Extend sample app for golang.

Register and integrate Extend sample app to AGS

  1. In the AGS Admin Portal, go to the namespace where wish to create your gRPC Plugin.

  2. On the sidebar menu, hover over Extend and click Event Handler.

    Event handler configuration page in AGS Admin Portal

  3. The following pop-up appears. Follow the steps on the pop-up to create the app.

    create event handler configuration in AGS Admin Portal

  4. After you create the app, you will see the details of your app in the Event Handler page.

    Event handler created in AGS Admin Portal

Create an Extend app that listens to the UserLogin event

In this tutorial, we will create an Extend app that will listen to UserLogin event then grant an entitlement to that user on that specific namespace.

Set up and publish the store

  1. Create a new store if the same namespace as this app. You can use your existing store if you already configured your own. For more details about creating and publishing stores, see Store and Entitlements.

    Store in AGS Admin Portal

  2. After you've created and published your store, copy the item ID in the published store you want to grant as an entitlement.

    Published Item in AGS Admin Portal

Walkthrough of the Extend app

As covered in the previous topic about AGS events' descriptor using protobuf file, this sample app will show you how we leverage that protobuf file.

Now, let's get back to the sample app we've cloned previously.

In the sample project, you will have the pkg/proto and pkg/pb, what we need to do is just put any directory containing protobuf we've mentioned on previous chapter as needed. In this case, we only interested on UserLogin event, so we only put the iam directory to pkg/proto

│ ├───proto
│ │ └───accelbyte-asyncapi # Place the proto file from previous chapter here.
│ │ └───iam
│ └───pb
│ └───accelbyte-asyncapi # This is where the generated code from protobuf will be placed.
│ └───iam

To generate the protobuf code you can run this command

make proto

Prepare the required parameters for building and deploying the Extend app

Before we can build and deploy the Extend app, we need to note required parameter to our build tools in the next step.

Go to the Event-Handler page where we previously registered our Event Handler app.

Event handler created in AGS Admin Portal

Now, let's note the App Name and App Repository URL

Event handler details in AGS Admin Portal

Build and upload the Extend app

After we're ready with our sample app and all required parameters already prepared, let's build and deploy it.

First of all, we need to configure the extend-helper-cli stated in the prerequisites, since we will use it to deploy our sample app.

We will only put brief description on how we used the extend-helper-cli here, please refer to full documentation mentioned in prerequisites.

$ ./extend-helper-cli-linux_amd64 dockerlogin --namespace nngbox2 --app Event-Handler -p | docker login -u AWS --password-stdin 342674635073.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/accelbyte/justice/development/extend/nngbox2/event-handler

INFO[0000] signing in to https://development.accelbyte.io
INFO[0001] getting docker credentials...
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/xyz-abc/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded

After you've successfully logged in using extend-helper-cli, you can upload the sample app.

We're using the makefile script in the sample app to upload the sample app.

make imagex_push IMAGE_TAG=v0.0.1 REPO_URL=342674635073.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/accelbyte/justice/development/extend/nngbox/event-handler

The REPO_URL can be copied from the app detail page App Repository URL.

If your images are successfully uploaded, you will see an image with version v0.0.1 in the Image Version History page.

Event handler image history in AGS Admin Portal

Deploy the Extend app

Before we deploy the app, let's configure the item ID we noted on the previous step.

Event handler environment variable in AGS Admin Portal

To deploy the Extend app, click Deploy Latest Image.

Event handler deploy image in AGS Admin Portal

Test the deployed Extend app

We can see a change in user's entitlement since we granted an entitlement for any user in that namespace that has successfully logged in

Event handler entitlement in Admin Portal

A note on Event Handler behavior

When initiating the Event Handler app, especially for a new deployment or after extended breaks, there might be instances where certain events don't trigger their expected callbacks.

This behavior is tied to specific lifecycle moments of the service. It's recommended to introduce a short delay before sending new events during these pivotal times. This ensures all components are ready for optimal event handling. To learn how to check whether the app is up and running, see Event Handler observability.


In the deployment setup, there's a timeout mechanism for the gRPC Event Handler app managed by Envoy. This timeout occurs when there's no incoming/outgoing data or request, allowing the system to free up resources. By default, the timeout duration is 300s for streamIdleTimeout and 30s for routeTimeout.

For a deeper understanding and recommended practices, refer to the Event Handler behavior documentation.