
Introduction to Extend Override

Last updated on September 20, 2023

The Extend Override and Events handler is currently available for Closed Beta partners only. Please submit a ticket if you're interested to apply as a Closed Beta partner.


AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS) offers an Extend Override feature. Extend Override is a backend functionality designed specifically for game developers, offering a seamless way to customize and override certain features within AGS. This feature provides benefits that enhance the flexibility and adaptability of AGS, empowering developers to tailor the features to their specific use cases without the need to modify the game client.


  1. Customization capabilities: Extend Override enables game developers to customize specific features in AGS to better align with their desired use cases. In situations where the default behavior of a feature does not meet the developer's requirements, this functionality allows them to inject their own custom logic seamlessly into the overridable feature.

  2. No game client updates: With Extend Override, any changes made to the custom logic of a feature do not require updates to the game client. The game client could use the existing game SDK. This saves valuable development time and eliminates the need for players to download and install new client versions whenever modifications are made. Developers can now iterate on their customized logic efficiently to significantly reduce the turnaround time for implementing new ideas and improvements.

Overridable features guide

Here are the list of overridable features and the guides that will help you overriding the feature behavior.

MatchmakingGetting Started Guide to Override MatchmakingIn this guide, we will go through the workflow of creating and using a simple custom matchmaker for AGS.
LootboxGetting Started Guide to Override LootboxIn this guide, we will go through how to create a custom roll function that returns random reward items.
Rotation Items and Backfill Owned ItemGetting Started Guide to Override Rotation Item and Backfill Owned ItemIn this guide, we will go through how to create custom rotation items and backfill owned items for customizing your store for your players.
Entitlement RevocationGetting Started Guide to Override Entitlement RevocationIn this guide, we will go through how to create a custom entitlement revocation.