
Manage and Use Fulfillment Service in Admin Portal

Last updated on October 7, 2023


AccelByte Cloud’s Fulfillment service is used to grant entitlements to players that they have purchased or otherwise earned. Fulfillment works with other Cloud Commerce services to distribute items to your players.


  • Explain in detail on how to View a Fulfillment Log
  • Explain in detail on how to Implement Fulfillment using the Client SDKs


  • Access to AccelByte Admin Portal
  • Appropriate Namespaces are created

View a Fulfillment Log History

You can open a fulfillment log in the Admin Portal to see if that fulfillment was successful.

  1. In the Admin Portal, choose the desired namespace.


    Choose the Publisher Namespace to see all of the fulfillment logs from Publisher namespaces. Choose a Game Namespace to see the fulfillment logs from only that namespace.


  2. In the Admin Portal, go to the E-Commerce section and open the Fulfillment menu. view_fullfilment_log_history

  3. On the Fulfillment Logs page, you can see a list of all of the fulfillment logs. You can filter the fulfillment logs by Fulfillment Status, either Success or Failed. You can also search for a particular log using the player’s User ID. view_fullfilment_log_history

  4. To open a log detail, click View in that log’s Details column. view_fullfilment_log_history view_fullfilment_log_history