
Set up and sell consumables

Last updated on August 9, 2023


In-app Purchase integration enables you to sync player purchases from third-party platforms such as PlayStation or Xbox to AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS). In order to achieve this, items sold on a third-party platform need to be correctly mapped to items created in AGS. This guide focuses on how to map consumable items and virtual currencies (Coins) in AGS to items defined on third-party platforms.


  • Guide user to add consumable items and virtual currency (Coins) mappings for third-party platforms manually or using JSON file


  • Items are properly configured on a third-party platform
  • Corresponding items are created in the AGS Store

Mapping items in AGS to third-party platforms

Add Item Mapping manually

  1. Go to E-Commerce section, find the In-App Purchase section and click Item Mapping. Click Add Item Mapping button and a pop-up window will be displayed. After DLC Configuration is completed, you can move to the **DLC Mapping** tab to map the DLC you created on AccelByte to the corresponding DLCs on each of the third-party platforms.

Add Item

  1. On the pop-up window:

    1. Choose an ‘Item Identity’ (SKU/ID) and search an item by using an item name,
    2. Choose a desired third-party platform and input the corresponding item identity on the third-party platform
    3. Click 'Add Platform' if you would like to add another platform
    4. Click ‘Add’ button to save

    Add Item

Add item Mapping (JSON format)

  1. Click ‘Add JSON’ to add a JSON file instead of adding item mapping manually. Follow the templates in the next screen to configure your JSON file

    Add Item

    Add Item

  2. If there is an existing item mapping configured already, you may also Edit/Delete the JSON file.

    Add Item


Please reach out to AccelByte staff to inquire about further documentation on this topic.