
Set game namespaces active or inactive

Last updated on January 13, 2024


With AccelByte Gaming Services (AGS), you will use namespaces in the AGS Admin Portal to manage features, attributes, and accessibility.

You can set a game namespace to active or inactive to turn a game's AGS functions on or off, respectively. This How-to walks you through setting a game namespace active and inactive in the AGS Admin Portal.


Publisher namespaces cannot be deactivated.

For more information about namespaces, see Namespaces under the Services section.


  • You will need an AGS account to gain access to the AGS Admin Portal. If you don't have one, you can create a free Starter account or reach out to your AccelByte account representative.
  • You have at least one namespace created. If you have an AGS account, your publisher namespace and first game namespace were created as part of the registration process.

Set game namespace active or inactive

Follow these steps to toggle a game namespace active and inactive from the Your Titles page in the AGS Admin Portal.

  1. Log in to your AGS Admin Portal.
  2. Ensure you're on the Your Titles page that shows all of your namespaces (YOUR STUDIO and GAMES, no sidebar).
    1. If you're not on the Your Titles page and are instead inside of a namespace (the sidebar is visible), click the dropdown in the upper-left corner under NAMESPACE.
    2. Click Title Settings to be taken to the Your Titles page.
  3. Next to the game namespace that you'd like to set to active or inactive, click the gear Title settings icon.
  4. Click the toggle next to Status to set it to active or inactive as desired.

Your game namespace is set to active or inactive per your specifications.

What's next?

For more information about namespaces, see Namespaces under the Services section.