
Unreal Engine Module - Introduction to Multiplayer Session - Setting up game sessions

Last updated on January 13, 2024


To implement Session, you need to set up the Session configuration in the Admin Portal. This section will guide you through all the configurations needed to make a dummy Session that will later be used as a knowledge base on how to create session for Party, Matchmaking, or Custom Session.

Create session template

Session Template is a configuration template that defines the Session. Here, you will learn how to create a dummy Session Template.

  1. Open your AccelByte's Demo Admin Portal dashboard and select your game namespace. From the side panel menu of the dashboard, select Game Management > Matchmaking V2 > Session Configurations, select Session Template tab on the shown page, and click Add Session Template.

    Session Template menu in Admin Portal

  2. Next, on the new window, you need to fill out your Session Template configuration. Any Session Template name can be used, but for this tutorial, unreal-elimination-none will be used as the name. Set the Session Type as None, since this is just a dummy session, and set the minimum and maximum player count to one. Your final configuration should look like the following image below. Once finished, select the Add button to add your Session Template.

    Dummy Session Template configurations

  3. Your newly created Session Template should appear on the list.

    Session Template list

  4. There you have it! You have successfully configured a new Session Template.
